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Woolen sheep and other works

Here sheep are getting their wool back – symbolically that is.

Extending the visual experience of painting into the haptic dimension is what fascinates me.Experiencing the sensual not only with the eyes, but also through our sense of touch.

And that is how in my work painting and the art of knitting combine.As early as 1988, when I studied at the Art Academy in Stuttgart I have been integrating knitting into paintings and sculptures, even knitting around trees. At the time, people were amazed as I seem to have been the only artist doing this type of work. The knitting boom in art came later, but -who knows- I might have helped to kick off this trend.

The great textile artist Kaffe Fassett is probably my biggest inspiration and influence. I will never forget the moment when I first picked up a book about his knitted art works. They opened up an unknown universe that has stayed with me until today.


Through my art I celebrate nature in its diverse forms and I invite you to join me.

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